8. China - Fengdu Ghostcity



Fengdu - Ghostcity


The city of Fengdu is located on the northern bank of the Yangtze. The ghost town of Fengdu is located high up on the hill.
Many superstitious Chinese make a pilgrimage here because it is said to be the seat of the king of the underworld and the gateway to hell.

27 temples and shrines illustrate the underworld with mostly grim figures.

Those who want to take a look at heaven and hell have to pass four tests.
We come to the 600 year old bridge of helplessness. Two small bridges lead over it. The left is the gold footbridge that promises wealth, the right is the silver footbridge that stands for health. If a couple crosses this bridge hand in hand in exactly 9 steps, they will stay together for a lifetime. A single has to cross it in an odd number of steps, otherwise it will fall into the blood flow under the bridge. Snakes, worms and scorpions are at home in it, just waiting for a black soul.

33 steps lead to a gold-plated Jade Buddha, which is said to represent the sky. He sits there happily and his spherical belly should absorb everything that cannot be changed.

Through a gate we come to a long path to hell lined with red lanterns. If you turn around and look back, you will stay in hell forever. We go ahead quickly and nobody looks back!

At the end of the path is the tower of the "Last Look Home" or "Pagoda of the Last Escort". On the seventh day after their death, the dead come here and have a last look at the world, their family, friends, possessions and everything that was dear to them. They can also watch their own funeral service.

A large threshold in front of the Hell Gate may only be crossed by men with the left foot first, otherwise he will be born as a woman in the next life. The opposite is true for women. The Lord of the Underworld sits here with his 10 fighters and 4 judges. He decides about life and death.
In another hall the tortures of hell are shown in the form of torturing figures.



Now we come to the last test. You have to stand on a semicircular stone, on one leg, for 3 seconds, without touching the ground. Whoever does this is inocent. Those who cannot do this must plead for mercy with his wife or her husband in the back room.

We have passed the tests and are allowed to leave the underworld and the mountain.  Now we have to walk the many stairs again.

After so much superstition and "hell fear" our guide Gang has a good idea. He invites us all to a traditional spicy Sezuan meal in a small street restaurant. This is a successful, fun end to a special tour.